Air Force Junior ROTC provides dynamic leadership training, character development, citizenship education, and a demanding academic aerospace program. Aerospace studies comprise 60% of the curriculum and explore the historic and scientific aspects of aerospace technology. Lesson objectives are aligned with the Washington State curriculum requirements. Classroom study includes the understanding of our place and role in space exploration, key concepts in analyzing historical elements through the impact of flight, basic fundamentals of flight for those interested in pursuing their pilot credentials, and the impact of current world events from the various regions of the world on us and our society. Cadets successfully completing AFJROTC classes receive the following credits: freshmen – Science credit for Space Exploration; sophomores – World History credit for Aviation History; juniors – Science credit for Space Exploration or elective credit for Aviation Honors/Private Pilot ground school; and seniors – Current World Problems credit for Global and Cultural Studies. Cadets can also earn college credits through the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs by completing specific AFJROTC courses and submitting appropriate documentation.
Leadership Education comprises 40% of the curriculum. Cadets are introduced to military customs and courtesies, citizenship in the United States, first aid, health and fitness, survival skills, basic drill and ceremonies, written and verbal communications, management, human relations, and life after high school. Cadets gain invaluable leadership and interpersonal skills as they put learning into action while leading other cadets in elements, flights, squadrons and the Cadet Corps. Leadership also includes the fundamentals of unarmed drill.
Drill Team is both a class and a competitive activity. It includes an Armed Drill Team, Color Guards and a Physical Training Team. The class meets during zero period and is an elective or PE credit depending on individual circumstances. The team hones their drill skills in three competition categories: regulation, exhibition and inspection. The Drill Team competes in the Cascade Mountain League with JROTC units from other high schools in Idaho, Washington and Oregon. The annual schedule consists of four meets and a championship.
The co-curricular activities offered to cadets enrolled in AFJROTC include drill team, color guard, orientation flights, Survival Weekend and Survival Week, and visits to military bases, aerospace facilities, museums and civilian airports. All of these activities are designed to promote leadership, teamwork, organization, planning, citizenship, and goal orientation.
Community service is a major part of the cadet experience and helps instill a sense of civic pride, responsibility and citizenship. We clean a section of WA 902 under the Adopt-A-Highway program, visit veterans at the VA hospital, help the custodians with cleaning after football and basketball games, and provide color guards for numerous school and civic events.
Cadets completing three or four years of Aerospace Science enjoy special advantages in applying for all military academy and ROTC scholarships. If a cadet plans on enlisting in a military service after graduation and has completed at least three years of Aerospace Science, he or she becomes eligible to enter the service in a pay grade higher than the normal enlistee. Enrollment in Aerospace Science does not cause the cadet to incur any military obligations or commitments.