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Yearbook » Yearbook Ordering & Senior Submissions

Yearbook Ordering & Senior Submissions

Pre-Ordered (by 4/30/25) Yearbook Price is $55.
Distribution Day Sales (5/30/25) Price is $65
(limited quantity available)
Online Yearbook Purchases are not placed through MLHS. 

Use the code: SAVE10 to receive 10% off if ordered by Sept. 30.

Features Recently Added:
  • Students can have their name embossed on the front cover (lower right corner) for an additional $6.99.
  • Families can purchase books to donate for students in need.
  • Yearbooks purchased after the deadline (4/30/25) will have an added shipping cost and may be shipped to the student's home after our distribution day.

April 30, 2025

Yearbook distribution & signing day is May 30, 2025. 
There are no early releases of the yearbook for students who will be absent on distribution day.
"No one gets a yearbook until everyone gets a yearbook."


Submission form (link above) to upload your senior photos. Oct. 31, 2024 Deadline.
There is no charge for senior photos.  If photos are not submitted by the deadline, the student's school portrait taken by Dorian Studios will be used. 
The yearbook will have either a single or three photo design for seniors.  The primary photo will be the largest and may be accompanied by the smaller optional photos.  Each yearbook class will decide on a final design to include either one photo or multiple photos.  

1. You may upload up to three (3) senior photos as digital copies in (.jpg) format.
Hard copies are not accepted. 
Use the highest resolution possible (Preferably 300 dpi). 
Final size of the main photo will be approx. 2.5" high by 2" wide.  
Photos of poor resolution may be rejected (in that case your school portrait will be used).  

2. Please label the name of the file in the following format: LastName_FirstName_Primary.jpg, LastName_FirstName_2.jpg, LastName_FirstName_3.jpg.
Please Note: The file name will be appended with your Google Account name and that is normal. 

3. Primary photos should preferably be cropped from the waist up or closer. No hand gestures.  If they are not cropped, the yearbook editors will crop the photo to include torso up only. 

4. No weapons of any kind.

5. No darkly tinted eye wear is to be worn.

6. Clothing must be appropriate school attire. This is to be determined by DRESS REQUIREMENTS included in this handbook and by the school administration.

7. Final decisions on acceptable pictures will be made by the school administration. If you have any questions, please call the high school at 565-3200.

Submission form (link above) for your senior baby photos. Cost is $10 each payable through InTouch or the high school business office. (Payments accepted beginning on Sept. 6, 2024)  Please contact Ms. Darci [email protected] for any issues completing your payment.
You can order up to three separate baby photos. Hard copies are not accepted. If you don't have computer scanning capabilities, apps such as Google PhotoScan work well to scan photos using your smart phone.  Otherwise photo centers such as Walmart or Costco would be your best bet.

Please label the name of the file in the following format: LastName_FirstName_Baby.jpg.

Oct. 31, 2024 Deadline.

Seniors can submit (link above) an optional quote for the yearbook. Administration has final approval for any quotes deemed inappropriate. 225 Character Limit.   These must be submitted from the MLSD student account login. 
Oct. 31, 2024 Deadline.

Senior Recognition
Senior recognition pages (link above) are a great way to commemorate your son or daughter at this important milestone of high school graduation.  
NOTE: We will have a limit of 8 full pages for senior recognition, first-come, first-serve by date payment is received.

(Payments accepted beginning on September 6)
Quarter Page - 4.25" Wide x 5.5" Tall - $55
Half Page - 8.5" Wide x 5.5" Tall - $85
Full Page - 8.5" Wide x 11" Tall - $150

Photos/Artwork Deadline is Jan. 31, 2025.
Payment Deadline is Jan. 31, 2025. Payable through InTouch or in-person at MLHS business office.
Please contact Ms. Darci [email protected] for any issues completing your payment.

Contact Mr. Perry at [email protected] for questions regarding submitting your materials.